How to care for your bags & accessories in a humid climate & avoid mould / mold and mildew on your accessories!

How to care for your bags & accessories in a humid climate & avoid mould / mold and mildew on your accessories!

Almost daily we are asked this question accompanied alongside photos of damaged bags with mould and mildew - this can be avoided!

Picture this... You've kept your favourite handbag stored away, you go to pick it up and it's covered in mould (mold)! But before you panic... We have a bundle and top tips to stop this from happening to your gorgeous handbag collection!

Introducing.... Our brand new 'Goodbye Mould' Bundle! - With savings of 25%!

We've put together this bundle to help you both prevent & treat your favourite accessories, if you live in a humid climate - this is a must!

Not only does it contain everything you need, you'll also receive a bespoke guide which gives you detail on how to safely prevent & treat your accessories, as well as our extensive top tips!

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Our Antibacterial Cleanser was the very first Cleanser we launched, and it continues to be a best seller to this day and there are so many reasons why!

Not only will our Antibacterial Cleanser safely kill bacteria on your handbags, it can also help to remove any mould & mildew whilst also acting as a preventative. 

It can be used on both the exterior and interior of your accessories!

Alongside our Antibacterial Cleanser, here are a few of our other top tips if you'd like to prevent mould (mold) on your handbags & accessories:

Our full list of top tips can be found on the bespoke guide included within our new Goodbye Mould (Mold) Bundle! 

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PS... Mould is how we spell Mold here in the UK :)


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